My India-business-rule #1: Always expect the unexpected

It doesn't get more unexpected on a business trip than this: finding yourself on stage on a cultural extravaganza in India - DANCING. What on earth happened?...

What does the Firefox say? “A smart – smart – smart – smart –...

Thank you for the Firefox OS. It's great news for India, and other emerging markets. Read on, and I will explain you how Mozilla stuff open web...

A big YES to content marketing in India

Digital agencies across the globe are singing the same song: shift the focus to "content marketing". Will it work in India? -It sure will. Storytelling and small-talk...

India: unbelievable 150 million mobile Internet users

 This kid is a citizens of what will become the world’s largest mobile digital society. India will have unbelievable 150 million mobile Internet users already by March...

Top diplomatic presence at NICCI meeting to promote Norwegian business in India

"We need to hear from you - to know what to do for you" This was the clear message from Mr. Eivind Homme, Norwegian ambassador to India. That...
Spilling on the floor

“I’ll do it myself” meets “No way I am doing that”.

Where I come from, we have a "doing things ourself" mentality that is very strong. If something needs to be done, our first thought will be to...

IT outsourcing presentation for NICCI in Norway

Yesterday me and Karsten Eskelund from Capgemini cooperated on a presentation on IT Outsourcing to India, for the Norway India Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The main...

Unqualified people in “not proper jobs”. Great?

One of many interesting Indian traditions is creating jobs that's actually not required. "Not proper jobs". The thought behind that is as simple as it's nice: to...
Devant cross country skiing in Pune India

Cross country skiing and Cricket. Norway vs India – in our own Olympic Games...

When we celebrated our 10 first years of operation in India (2010), we did a few things that I think never has been done in Pune earlier....

Ambassador Lise-Mari leaving a mark in Goa

One of our secret vepons to assure good communication and delivery on time, is our Scandinavian Ambassador in India. The Devant Ambassador does what any Ambassador should. No...