Ambani thought me being modest won’t get you anywhere in India

This is an important lesson learned from my very interesting meeting with India’s biggest business tycoon, Mukesh Ambani. I don’t have a wishlist of people I want to...

Why Nordic startups should get in business with India now

Is your startup ready for the giant market India? Of course not. But now things has changed dramatically to your advantage. It´s so crazy it might actually...
Indian traffic lessons

Business lessons from the chaos of Indian traffic?

Finally, I am driving myself in India, and I suspect the extreme experience from Indian traffic can help to further understand the business culture too. This blogpost...

Nordic Meetup in Mumbai – to boost startup business

To do business in India you have to start with 1) be in India and 2) know the right people and 3) build a personal relation to...

With Ajay, the future urban farmer of India?

Why spend energy on transport when the vegetables can be grown on-site, absolutely anywhere? I assume Hydroponics is the future of predictable delivery of healthy greens for...
17th May reception Norwegian Embassy India

Cinematic celebration at the Norwegian Embassy in Delhi

Reception at the Embassy on the evening of 17th of May. Guests were entertained by scenes from several Indian blockbusters recently shot in Norway. See the photos from...

A 2-day visit to India will make wonders for your product

How can you possibly succeed without spending quality time with the most important people in your project? It's not even debatable. You have to know the people developing...

Why I chose to work with Kalpavruksh

Have a look at what convinced me that the Patni Groups Scandinavian outsourcing-arm is a gift to Norwegian software developers and IT-departments. Solid owners – the Patni family...

Norwegian executives exploring Mumbai innovation

MUMBAI: for 3 days the IFN/NICCI study group made the 20 million people metropolis unsafe, hunting high and low for Indian game-changing. The catch brought home was...