On my recent India-roundtrip I visited 5 states and had fruitful meetings with enthusiastic people in my network. And – this time I actually shot some photos with my phone and published it to Instagram – so welcome onboard.
Hashtag: indiaonbusiness
I have tagged my recent business travel photos #indiaonbusiness.
My route this time was Delhi – Vadodara – Bombay – Goa – Chandigarh – Delhi. Obviously very different places, but I enjoy the sounds and smells of hectic Bombay life as much as having a day off in lazy Goa. All fantastic places.
My Instagram account is @trondskundberg and is used both for business and pleasure. Feel free to follow and interact.
The below photos display all Instagram photos tagged #indiaonbusiness
[alpine-phototile-for-instagram id=348 user=”trondskundberg” src=”user_tag” tag=”indiaonbusiness” imgl=”instagram” style=”cascade” col=”4″ size=”M” num=”30″ shadow=”1″ border=”1″ highlight=”1″ curve=”1″ align=”left” max=”100″]